Europe’s most relevant Executive MBA

A joint programme in general management focusing on technology and leadership by ETH Zürich and University of St.Gallen in Switzerland

It’s time for a change in altitude

Located in the heart of Europe and the Alps, Switzerland is consistently ranked as one of the best countries in the world, for its economic influence, entrepreneurial atmosphere, quality of life and education system.

Switzerland is also the epitome of neutrality. However, at emba X we believe the time has come for Switzerland and Europe to take a stance and put their unique assets fully at the service of positive global outcomes.

With this programme, two top Swiss institutions join forces to design an innovative Executive Education curriculum for senior and experienced leaders which integrates technology and leadership in a journey through ever-changing landscapes.

The challenge. The growth. The impact. An ultimate alpine trek.

emba X Programme Details

Programme Topics

Technology, International Management, Leadership, Business Innovation
and Social Responsibility

Programme Duration

18 months

ECTS Credits

75 Credits

Programme Language


Programme Starts & Ends

Start: February 2026
End: July 2027

Format and Location

Hybrid: Online and In-person in Zurich and St.Gallen (Switzerland)

Days On-Campus

55 days

Days Online

12 days (approximately)

Tuition Fee

110’000 CHF (Tuition Fee Incentives Available)

Application Deadline

First Application Deadline: 31 August 2025
Final Application Deadline: 31 October 2025

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Join Europe’s best technology and leadership mix

The time is right for an Executive MBA programme co-designed and jointly run by two top institutions in the European academic landscape.

Focused on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, ETH Zurich
is a world-renowned centre of innovation and knowledge, offering an ideal environment for independent thought and research, and a climate which inspires top performance.

A Triple Crown accredited institution, the University of St.Gallen promotes integrative thought and an entrepreneurial spirit. By combining economic, legal, social and cultural perspectives, it prepares responsible leaders to solve economic and social challenges.

Triple Crown Accreditations (University of St.Gallen)

Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.

David McCullough Jr.

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